Some Probabilities, A Positive, and Who Knows Where

Here are some miscellaneous shots with my guesses of where they were taken.


Rudbeckia, probably from my garden.


Cosmos, again probably from my garden, but I would not swear to it in a court of law.


I know for a fact that this was taken from my front porch.  Over the years I have tried may times to get a good shot of the moon but never had any luck, even after I got my 80-400mm (160-600mm effective) telephoto zoom lens.  All my tries got deleted as soon as I saw them on my PC monitor or after an inordinate amount of time processing, trying to fix my poor photographic skills.

My attempts had all been shots of various types of full moons:  blue, pink, super, harvest, whatever types popped up in the news.  I finally go a decent shot with this half moon.  I’m still not there yet with a good moon photo, this one is washed out way too much on the right side due to overexposure.

So at least I have made some progress and I guess this photo shows I’m halfway there so I’ll keep shooting the moon until I get it right.  (I’ll leave it up to you to decide if my word choices in two two different places in that last sentence were intentional or not, and humorous or not.)


Purple coneflowers fading away, possibly in my garden.


Who knows where this shot was taken. I have no idea.  I don’t even know what it is.  Maybe a mystical rose of some sort?


Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to view these photos in questionable locations.


P.S.  I haven’t actually checked, but I think this might be the first post in quite sometime that did not have at least one skipper in it.

Except for the moon shot, all photos taken with a Nikon D7100 and a Sigma 105mm.  The moon shot was taken with the D7100 and a Nikkor 80-400mm telephoto zoom lens.

11 thoughts on “Some Probabilities, A Positive, and Who Knows Where

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