Odds ‘n’ Ends

When I go out to take pictures I will probably take thirty to fifty photos depending on location, time, and my mood.  By mood I mean that sometimes when I go out explicitly to take photos the lighting or my perceived notion of available subjects may dampen my enthusiasm and I basically give up; turn my camera off, reverse the lens hood on the lens, put the lens cap back on, and head home.

Anyway, out of all the shots I take I’m lucky if half are keepers based on in camera review.  Then I may cull out a few may after I look at them on the desktop.  Once I start processing the files I might delete a few more that no amount of processing is going to save.  (I should still be deleting more than I do.)  Not always, but often enough to be embarrassing, I might be down to ten or twenty-five percent, or even less, of the original number of photos taken.  What all this means is that sometimes I don’t have enough photos from a shoot for a blog post, and this has been a long winded explanation of why I call this post Odds ‘n’ Ends.  It’s a compilation of some of the onesies and twosies from multiple photo shoots.


I’m not positive but I’m thinking this probably a flesh fly.  I say that because about the only two flies I ever see are flesh flies and bottle flies and I’m pretty sure it’s not the latter.  As I drill down my thought process I see that I really just don’t know for sure and I’m pretty sure of that.


I’ve no idea what this is but I was intrigued by the little blue “nest” going on inside.


Just your typical photo of a sparrow sitting on a Siecor Optical Cable.



Looking down on the top of an unknown fungus that kind of looks like the sawed off end of a log.


Another fungus, this time a stinkhorn.  I believe it is a Clathrus columnatus, also called a common stinkhorn.  See my post Stinkhorn from May 2018 for a different stinkhorn.  Oh yeah, I did see the ant while I was taking the photo.


Honeysuckle; not the bad kind.


Thank you for stopping by.

All photos taken with a Nikon D7100 and a Sigma 105mm macro lens or a Nikkor 80-400mm telephoto zoom.

13 thoughts on “Odds ‘n’ Ends

  1. Ditto what Pete said. I reckon my image cull rate could be higher, after all what’s the point of half a dozen shots of the same butterfly in the same pose? I just have to make sure I keep the sharpest before pressing delete.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. I’m better at editing out than I was 6 months ago. I get what you mean about the butterfly. My problem is that if the butterfly’s left antenna is pointed down in one photo and up in another I’m likely to consider that to be two different poses. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I believe the little blue nest is a tradescantia. I love the arching honeysuckle stem. I’m very poor at culling my pictures and what’s worse, I typically imagine that the first few I have taken can be bettered by taking more pretty much of the same, which makes it more of a chore. I sometimes think the mere act of pressing the ‘button’ to take a picture pleases me.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for the id on the flower Susan. I don’t remember where I took it but I think I see one growing on the fence line between my yard and driveway. I’m going to do some research with the name you provided. I think you’re onto something regarding to pressing the button. Sometimes if there is nothing around to photograph I will look through the viewfinder at nothing in particular and press the button knowing that as soon as I look at what I captured I will delete it. I think B.F. Skinner’s behavioral conditioning is at work here. Instead of pushing a button for a food pellet we push it for a, hopefully, good photo. If we had constant failure or constant success we wouldn’t keep doing it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I did some more research on tradescantia and I believe this one is a tradescantia ohiensis (smooth spiderwort) which is a native Missouri plant. Again thanks for the help with the id.


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